Why them squirrels always hiding in a tree?!
Author: sophiegoldendoodle
Sophie’s 4th Birthday – cake and video
Frisbee adjustment by Sophie
Miss Sophie (3yr old Golden Doodle) doesn’t like new areas…
Miss Sophie (3yr old Golden Doodle) doesn’t like new areas…
She put my heart to the test last night, on our walk through a new neighborhood (not on our usual path anyway), when out of the blue, she suddenly went ape-sh!t attacking and barking (more than I have ever seen) at some un-seen aggressor right in front of a house we were walking by. It was kind of near the woods so I thought it must be some wild animal we spooked. I am full-on adrenaline-rushing –eyes, ears and mouth wide, spinning around trying to see what the heck it is while telling her to “Stop!” at the top of my voice and keeping her from running off.
Then I hear a low hissing sound get louder and I am amped up even further –whole body tingling, senses hyper-alert, starting to see things in the shadows and am straining to find something to defend against or attack, when I slowly realize it is just their lawn sprinklers coming on. Holy freekin sheet it took me 10 minutes of sitting in the next house lawn to calm myself and her down…
Nope, she doesn’t like new areas…