the rituals, I miss the most

9 years…

11:56 pm, it’s past bedtime now.
I don’t have my reminder anymore. She used to lay at my feet while I worked nights on the computer, and she came to know the Windows shut down music. fast asleep, she would hear the doodleoo of the Window’s shutting down and would immediately stir half asleep to her feet, and give a shake, start heading for bed. Waiting on me, looking back at me. Always those eyes, looking at me. How do you get over that? A quick trip outside to go potty – and it was quick – she knew her bedtime bone was waiting on the other end of this ritual. Squat in the yard and run back inside. She liked to eat.

Bring her to the bedroom, and unsnap her collar – slept nekkid- Had to get that collar out of the way to brush that thick long curly blonde hair. She is busy cleaning herself after the bone and potty, so I move on to brushing teeth. While I do, I inevitably pet her with my foot or free hand – I couldn’t get enough of it. Addicting. Once she is ready and I am done, comes the thorough brushing. I began it after she was several months old and we went to a pet store. she was maybe half her adult size and long haired already, and I had no idea what to do with her tangles. We met another Golden Doodle and I asked how they kept his hair so groomed and soft. they just said, “you gotta brush them every night”. So I did. I bought a brush with standard bristles on one side and metal tangle-free spines on the other. though in her younger days, she would try to eat the brush, she eventually began to accept the drill and would just let me brush her as needed. It really was that simple and it worked. She was gorgeous and worth it. But, yes another ritual. I miss it incredibly now. with her diagnosis, I guess I was fortunate to have a few more months of brushing, and I made a point to remember, that some day I would miss this most intimate interaction more than anything. That and her Sophie-hugs. She gave the best Sophie-hugs, and I told her so often.

sophiegoldendoodle 6th birthday
6th birthday

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