FB reminded me today…

Sophie after groomer
Sophie after groomer

Facebook said this pic was taken a year ago, apparently right after the groomers. It was always hard leaving Sophie anywhere and one of the few times I had no choice, was the groomers. I tried to eyeball the employees, watch their behavior with other dogs and look at online reviews and check with friends, but I was still always leery. They just don’t know her like I do. As I did eventually allow them to take her, I spewed reminders as gently yet firmly as I could. She has two bad front feet, especially the right one- they turn out, and are weak. She has bad hips too so don’t let her jump up or down. Her skin is sensitive so please use the medicated shampoo and watch her ears- she gets ear infections easy – put some cotton in them before her bath. She was, I suppose like all dogs, extremely happy when I  picked her up. Ready to run to the car right out of the gate. But when she got home she was very subdued, almost like she held it against me, and you see a bit of that look in her eyes here. I did tell them she’s not prissy so no more ribbons in her ears and stick with  the bandana for this Tom girl!

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