sophie not doing well

From msg to folks, 7/23 3:27

(just noticed the anagram)

Sophie not doing well. She was at ER last night. Earlier in the day I Got her home from vet yesterday about heavy breathing. I went to take her out back to pee and She was apparently blind all of a sudden and walked/fell into the pool.
Never done that.
Got her out and she could not see and was very disoriented. May have had a seizure? Who knows. Def blind so we took her to ER for that and her difficulty breathing. The vet earlier had taken X-rays and said her lungs were bright which could be fungus but maybe lymphoma and sent them to radiologist for review. The ER vet also took X-rays last night and wanted to aspirate her lungs to get a sample for confirmation that it wasn’t fungus. She stayed overnight for that and was in oxygen tent. He did not see evidence of fungus so presumes cancer and recommends an ultrasound to locate primary source.
She is home now but struggling to breath yet.
Big shaved patch where they tried to get fluid out of her lung area to test


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