Sophie troubles,
Difficulty breathing increased over the last few weeks and led to finding inflamed lungs last Friday, per x-ray and has them looking at lymphoma or fungal – both have pretty harsh treatments if that is even possible. They gave her a furosemide/diuretic shot to remove fluid from lungs (though assured otherwise, I still suspect this for triggering the next event). After returning from the vet, she became suddenly blind – partially, but severe enough she walked/fell into our …pool which is how we realized it. She is only 9. Immediately took her to ER where she spent Friday night. Further x-rays, lung aspiration (small needle to grab cells, but no confirming results either way) and sat in oxygen tent for 12 hrs…
Been home since Saturday, able to rest but obviously freaked out by the blindness (it seems to get better or worse throughout the day – partial cloudiness – they think it is a reaction to whatever else is going on in her) and continues to struggle breathing. Ultrasound today to try to find a way to confirm diagnosis and prognosis either way on the lungs.
Unpleasant story, I know…
Thanks for listening